Cooperative Light Scattering fromθ-Pinch Plasmas

Results are reported of an experiment to measure the cooperative scattering from density fluctuations in the plasma of a 150-kJ, high-voltage θ pinch with a low-pressure (20 mTorr) filling of deuterium gas. The beam from a giant-pulse ruby laser is focused at the center of the plasma, and the light emerging at angles between 5.5° and 7° to the beam and plasma axis is collected and spectrally resolved by a spectrometer consisting of an interference filter and two identical Fabry-Perot interferometers in series. The θ-pinch plasma parameters, separately measured in another experiment, are plasma density n=2.8×1016 cm3, kTe=345 eV, and kTi=2.0 keV, corresponding to Salpeter's parameters α=1.2, β=0.33. Scattered spectra are reduced to absolute values of nd2σdΩdλ by calibration against Rayleigh scattering from dry N2 gas. The results show a narrow central peak superimposed on a broader tail of lower magnitude. In the case of no bias field (B0=0), the tail has a width and magnitude equal within experimental error to those of the theoretical thermal-ion feature, corresponding to Doppler broadening of the scattered light by an amount characteristic of the thermal-ion motion at kTi=2 keV. The central peak has a maximum magnitude 15 times greater than that of the theoretical ion feature, and is 0.44 times as wide. For B0=750 G, the central peak increases in intensity by another factor of 3, while retaining approximately the same width. The central peak is attributed to superthermal-plasma density fluctuations, superimposed on the background represented by the broader thermal-ion feature.