Hepatitis B Surface Antigen with an Excess or Deficiency in Subtypic Determinants in Sera from Asymptomatic Carriers in Japan

Using the solid-phase enzyme immunoassay with monoclonal antibodies, hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) was subtyped in sera from 5082 asymptomatic carriers who donated blood units at regional blood centers in Japan. Among them, 5004 sera contained HBsAg of a regular subtype, i.e., adw, adr, ayw or ayr, while 74 contained HBsAg with excessive subtypic determinants, such as adyw, adyr, adwr, aywr, or adywr. The presence of subtypic determinants on the selfsame particle was ascertained by sandwiching HBsAg between two monoclonal antibodies of distinct subtypic specificities. The remaining 4 sera contained HBsAg that possessed only one subtypic determinant, such as ad, ar or aw. HBsAg particles of atypical subtypes would have been given rise to by a point mutation in the S gene involving the codons regulating subtypic specificities.