Metallic stents in benign biliary strictures: Three-year follow-up

Eighteen patients with recurrent benign biliary strictures (BBS) were selected for metallic stents placement because they failed to respond to percutaneous balloon dilatation. None were candidates for surgical corrections. We used “Z” single or double stents in 17 cases and a Wallstent in 1 case. After more than 3 years of follow-up (average period 37 months, range 30–41 months), 10 patients (55.5%) were asymptomatic without signs of bile statis; 5 patients (27.7%) had recurrence of symptoms and were eventually retreated; and 3 patients (16.6%) died, 2 of obstructive jaundice and liver failure and 1 of metastatic gastric cancer. Recurrence was due to stent occlusion by tissue ingrowth in 3 cases, stent migration in 1 case, and an inflammatory lesion of the papilla of Vater in another case, with patency of the metallic stent. The overall patency rate, at 3-year follow-up was 68.7%. In our series, the main factor determining long-term patency of metallic stents has been reactive tissue ingrowth. Nevertheless, long-term results obtained with metallic stents in recurrent benign biliary strictures should be considered satisfactory. In selected patients, metallic stents may represent the only long-term treatment available for maintaining bile flow.