Genetic analysis of a wild-caught hybrid between non-sisterHeliconiusbutterfly species

Interspecific hybridization occurs regularly in wildHeliconiusbutterflies, although hybrid individuals are usually very rare. However, hybridization generally occurs only between the most closely related species. We report a rare naturally occurring hybrid between non-sister species and carry out the first genetic analysis of such distant hybridization. Mitochondrial and nuclear genes indicate that the specimen is an F1hybrid between a femaleHeliconius ethillaand a maleHeliconius melpomene, originating from a group of 13 species estimated to have diverged over 2.5 Myr ago. The presence of such distant natural hybrids, together with evidence for backcrossing, suggests that gene flow across species boundaries can take place long after speciation. Adaptive genes such as those involved in wing coloration could thus be widely shared among members of this highly mimetic genus.