Detection of Provirus in an HTLV‐II Producer CD8+ T Cell Line by Polymerase Chain Reaction Combined with Digoxigenin‐ELISA Method

A human T‐cell leukemia virus type II (HTLV‐II) producer cell line, designated HTLV‐IIA, was established by cocultivation with leukocytes from an anti‐human T‐cell leukemia type I (HTLV‐I) antibody‐positive white male intravenous drug abuser and a healthy Japanese female. The cell line was examined for viral antigens by the indirect immunofluorescence method. The cytoplasm of over 80% of the cells was brilliantly stained. Cytogenetically, the cell line has a normal female karyotype. Electron microscopy of the HTLV‐IIA disclosed many C‐type retrovirus particles of mature, immature and non‐cored types in the extracellular spaces. The surface markers of the transformed cells are CD2+, CD3+, CD4– and CD8+. To distinguish between HTLV‐I and HTLV‐II infection in the cell line, a method for detection of the HTLV‐II provirus was developed by combining the polymerase chain reaction method with digoxigenin‐enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay method.