Wideband propagation measurements in corridors at 5.3 GHz

This paper describes wideband propagation measurements in corridors with 5.3 GHz carrier frequency. Measurements have been performed using a wideband radio channel sounder with 54 MHz 3 dB bandwidth. Over 20000 complex impulse responses have been recorded and analysed with delay resolution of 20 ns and dynamic range of 20 dB. Measurements have been performed with omnidirectional and directive antennas with both vertical and horizontal polarizations. Although directive antennas inherently reduce the average RMS delay spread values, it was found that the largest instantaneous RMS delay spread values were detected using directive antennas. Considerable differences in propagation characteristics of the vertical and horizontal polarization were measured in NLOS conditions. These differences were interpreted to result from the different reflection coefficients of the building structures for the two polarisations. Large scale pathless modeling was done by applying analogy to oversized waveguide structures.