Longitudinal Division of Small Intestine: A Surgical Possibility for Children with the Very Short Bowel Syndrome

Surgical approach to short bowel syndrome has been dealing with two major problems: lack in absorptive surface and dysfunction of the peristalsis of the widely distended loop above the anastomosis. In those children having a very short intestine, one is reluctant to either resect or reduce the diameter of this loop. Bianchi, followed by Boeckman and Traylor, described a procedure of loop lengthening by dividing it longitudinally. Their procedure has the advantage of restoring normal peristalsis without losing any absorptive surface. A modification of the original procedure of Bianchi is described. We report on its application in a child born with laparoschisis and intestinal atresia; she had in fact 25 centimetres of duodenum and proximal jejunum anastomosed with left colonic angle. This child was referred to us with functional occlusion related to distension above an intact and unobstructed anastomosis. She was operated on at six weeks of age. Postoperatively oral feeding could be started after one month. Broviak's catheter for parenteral nutrition was removed at six months. In conclusion we believe that this technique offers a chance of better and faster adaptation to children born with short bowel syndrome.

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