Cytochemical studies on uninseminated mature eggs of Limulus demonstrate the presence of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins in the egg envelopes and yolk. The vitelline envelope, cortical region and yolk are rich in 1,2-glycols, with the vitelline envelope containing fewer reactive 1,2-glycol groups than other components of the egg. Neutral mucopolysaccharides are found in the cortical region and yolk, but only the cortical region of the eggs demonstrate the presence of sulfated mucosubstances (which are in part glycoprotein in nature) and glucose-6-phosphatase. Protein is evident in all egg components. Biochemical analysis demonstrate the protein in the egg envelopes of uninseminated eggs is composed of sixteen amino acids while that of developing eggs contain seventeen amino acid residues. Electrovalent linkages and non-S-S-covalent linkages between protein chains are shown to be instrumental in maintaining the structural integrity of Limulus egg envelopes. Neutral lipids, unsaturated lipids, phospholipids and fatty acids are demonstrated in yolk bodies and lipoproteins, unsaturated lipids and fatty acids constitute part of the egg envelopes. DNA is concentrated in the cortical region and the yolk bodies.