1. Objectives were two-fold: (1) to compare the viability of precision-cut liver slices in two culture systems, namely the dynamic organ and the multiwell plate; and (2) to evaluate whether increasing the number of slices per incubation results in a proportional increase in the extent of metabolism. 2. With both culturing systems, the major products of 7-ethoxycoumarin metabolism were the sulphate and glucuronide conjugates of 7-hydroxycoumarin with very low levels of the free compound. When the multiwell plate procedure was used, metabolism increased linearly for at least 10h, whereas it tended to plateau after 6h in the dynamic organ culture system. At preincubations 10h, significantly more metabolism of 7-ethoxycoumarin was seen in the slices cultured using the multiwell system compared with the dynamic organ system. 3. Morphological evaluation employing light and electron microscopy revealed that liver slices incubated using the multiwell system were structurally better preserved compared with those incubated using the dynamic organ system. 4. Using the multiwell system, increasing the number of slices per incubation from one to two resulted in only a modest increase in the metabolism of 7-ethoxycoumarin. The rate of metabolism of this substrate was much higher with one liver slice when expressed per mg homogenate protein. 5. It is concluded that (1) the multiwell plate culture system for culturing slices is superior to the dynamic organ system in studying the metabolism of xenobiotics following long-term incubations, (2) increasing the number of slices per incubation does not result in a corresponding increase in the rate of metabolism, and (3) in both culture systems optimal viability appears to be within 24h of incubation.