Proton-Neutron Final-State Interaction

The reactions p(d,2p)n and d(p,2p)n were studied at a proton bombarding energy of 16.0 MeV and deuteron bombarding energies of 16.0 and 10.0 MeV. The protons were detected in coincidence with solid-state detectors at angles that allow strong enhancement of the pn final-state interaction. The coincidence resolving time was sharpened by using time-energy correlation techniques that utilize an on-line SDS-910 computer. The data were analyzed using the "data-simulation technique." A simple theory, which, apart from normalization, contained three adjustable parameters, was found to produce satisfactory fits. In this theory, the final-state interactions are accounted for by assuming additive enhancements for each pair of final-state particles and each spin state. The primary interaction is approximated by the sum of a constant amplitude plus the spectator-effect amplitude. The widths of the final-state interaction peaks are in good agreement with Watson theory using the known singlet pn scattering length anps of —23.69 F. The most accurately determined scattering length was extracted from the 16-MeV p+d data and was anps=23.8±0.5 F. This agreement indicates that interference effects are not important in this reaction at center-of-mass energies above a few MeV if coincidence techniques are employed. With similar methods, a comparative study of the n+d reaction in order to measure the singlet nn scattering length should be fruitful.

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