Bose-Einstein correlations ine+ecollisions

Four data sets collected with the Mark II detector during its operation at the SPEAR and PEP e+ e storage rings at SLAC are used to study the Bose-Einstein correlation between pairs and triplets of like-sign charged pions. The data sets represent four different regions of energy available for hadron production: the J/ψ at √s =3.095 GeV, typical hadronic energy of ≊5 GeV in two-photon events, and annihilation in the energy regions √s =4–7 GeV above the J/ψ, and √s =29 GeV. The Bose-Einstein correlation is studied as a function of Q2, the four-momentum difference squared of the pair, and of Q32, an analogous quantity defined for triplets. After corrections for Coulomb effects and pion misidentification, pair analyses indicate a nearly full Bose-Einstein enhancement (λ≊1) in the J/ψ and the two-photon data, and about half the maximum value in the two higher-energy data sets. The pair analysis parameter r lies within a band of ±0.1 fm around 0.7 fm and is essentially the same for all four data sets. Pion triplet analyses give consistent results for the triplet parameters λ3 and r3. In an attempt to investigate the shape of the pion source, we also study the Bose-Einstein correlation in pion pairs using two-dimensional distributions in components of Q2.