Observation of above-barrier transitions in superlattices with small magnetically induced band offsets

Using magneto-optical absorption in ZnSe/Zn1x MnxSe superlattices, we have observed a series of transitions involving above-barrier states of the conduction and valence bands, at the zone center and at the zone edge of the superlattice Brillouin zone. The Mn concentration in Zn1x MnxSe layers (x∼0.04) has been specifically chosen such that the bowing of the band gap with x and the strain in the superlattice together give rise to conduction- and valence-band offsets, which are nearly zero in the absence of a magnetic field. Owing to the large Zeeman splittings of band edges that occur in the Zn1x MnxSe layers, the band alignment in these superlattices can be externally tuned by an applied magnetic field, providing a unique laboratory for investigating above-barrier subbands in a superlattice defined by very small periodic-potential variations (intermediate-dimensionality regime). The magnetic-field tuning, together with calculations based on an eight-band k⋅p model, allow us to unambiguously identify the transitions, and to compare the observed transition energies with theoretical predictions.