The influence of benthic tundra pond vegetation and prey behavior on Zooplankton predation by the flatworm Mesostoma lingua

Experiments were conducted at the Smoking Hills and Tuktoyaktuk, N.W.T., to determine if Mesostoma lingua, a common pond inhabitant, preys selectively on co-occurring Zooplankton, and whether predation rates are affected by the presence of pond vegetation. Experiments were conducted in 250-mL containers at the sites. Mesostoma fed heavily on Daphnia pulex and Chironomus riparius, but not on Branchinecta paludosa or Diaptomus arcticus. The presence of alternative prey led to significant reductions in Daphnia predation rates, while the presence of the pond plants Cladophora insignis and Drepanocladus aduncus, which provide shelter and cover, significantly increased predation rates. The advantage of the moss and algal habitat was largely to the predator.