The Status of Birds on Peron Peninsula and Dirk Hartog Island, Shark Bay, Wa

SUMMARY Davies, S. J. J. F., and G. S. Chapman. 1974. The status of birds on Peron Peninsula and Dirk Hartog Island. Shark Bay, WA. Emu 75: 55–61. Details of observations made during a field excursion by the Western Australian Group of the RAOU to Peron Peninsula and Dirk Hartog Island are given and compared with other reports on the birds of the area, which has not been greatly disturbed, except round Denham and near sheep stations. Permanent water has been provided for stock. A few species have not been recorded recently, notably the Rock Parrot (from Peron and Dirk Hartog) and the Western Grass-wren (from Dirk Hartog), but some others seem to have arrived in the last fifty years. The ornithology of the area is well documented and can provide an interesting study of changes in distribution and abundance of species related to development by Europeans.