Histological Appearances and Nuclear DNA Content of Verrucous Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Larynx

Of the 12 cases of verrucous squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx encountered since 1968 at the Department of Otolaryngology of Padua University (including the Verona Section) and the Department of Pathologic Anatomy of the University of Trieste, three are reported, together with an investigation of the nuclear DNA content of the tumour cells. It is suggested that such a study may assist with early detection of verrucous carcinoma. The laryngeal localization of the neoplasm has been evidenced only in some centres. The difficulties in establishing a correct diagnosis for this variant of squamous cell carcinoma are emphasized and the pathomorphological features, as well as the microscopic and macroscopic appearances, are discussed. The prognosis is excellent and the therapy of choice must be only surgical, as radiation has not only proven ineffective, but in some cases has induced anaplasia, leading to a rapid dissemination of the tumour.