Enzyme Histochemistry on Paraffin Embedded Tissue Sections

To obtain diagnostic enzyme reactions in paraffin embedded tissue sections, we compared four fixatives (buffered formol sucrose, Baker's formol calcium, periodate lysin paraformaldehyde, and buffered formalin acetone) and subsequent acetone dehydration with or without graded concentrations of Triton X-100. Four spleens and 14 lymph nodes were tested for peroxidase, naphthol ASD chloroacetate esterase, acid phosphatase, alpha naphthyl acetate esterase, and alpha naphthyl butyrate. Best results were obtained by a processing method using buffered formalin acetone, Holt's gum sucrose, dehydration in acetone with 0.03% Triton X-100, and paraffin for embedding.