L2,3-subshell x-ray fluorescence and Coster-Kronig yields atZ=64 and 67

The total Coster-Kronig transition probability f23 for the L2L3 transition and the L2 and L3 subshell x-ray fluorescence yields ω2 and ω3 were measured utilizing resolved LK x-ray coincidence techniques for Z=64 and 67 with radioactive sources of 4.68 yr Eu155 and 10.4 h Er165, respectively. Improved accuracy in the results is achieved by advances in the experimental method. The values of f23 are 0.130±0.012 and 0.115±0.011 at Z=64 and 67, respectively, and of ω2 and ω3 are 0.165±0.022 and 0.161±0.019 at Z=64, and 0.186±0.023 and 0.180±0.020 at Z=67, respectively. The quoted uncertainties are twice the average deviation from the mean of 12 values of f23 and two values each of ω2 and ω3, and arise predominantly from systematic errors.