One of the major factors distinguishing molecular processes in vivo from biochemical experiments in vitro is the effect of the environment produced by macromolecular crowding in the cell. To achieve a realistic modeling of processes in the living cell based on biochemical data, it becomes necessary, therefore, to consider such effects. We describe a protocol based on Brownian dynamics simulation to characterize and quantify the effect of various forms of crowding on diffusion and bimolecular association in a simple model of interacting hard spheres. We show that by combining the elastic collision method for hard spheres and the mean field approach for hydrodynamic interaction (HI), our simulations capture the correct dynamics of a monodisperse system. The contributions from excluded volume effect and HI to the crowding effect are thus quantified. The dependence of the results on size distribution of each component in the system is illustrated, and the approach is applied as well to the crowding effect on electrostatic-driven association in both neutral and charged environments; values for effective diffusion constants and association rates are obtained for the specific conditions. The results from our simulation approach can be used to improve the modeling of cell signaling processes without additional computational burdens.