Cortical substrates of taste aversion learning: Dorsal prepiriform (insular) lesions disrupt taste aversion learning.

The functional relation between restricted damage to ventral primary somatosensory neocortex and the ability of rats to acquire conditioned taste aversion (CTA( was examined by a combination of behavioral and neurohistological techniques. Lesions confined exclusively to the established gustatory neocortex (GN) did not disrupt CTA acquisition, nor did lesions confined to suprarhinal cortical areas ventral to the GN. Lesions that encroached on dorsal prepiriform and insular cortices produced CTA acquisition deficits and damaged a large proportion of efferent projections to the prefrontal and precentral neocortex. In a second experiment, lesions of dorsal prepiriform and insular cortices did not modify taste preference-aversion threshold to any of the four taste modalities. It is concluded tha ventral somatosensory neocortical fields, including the established GN, do not mediate CTA acquisition and that rhinal cortices ventral and posterior to the GN are preferentially involved in associative learning for tastes and illness.

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