Hypnotically Suggested Asthma

Asthmatic (15) and non-asthmatic (19) Ss [subjects] were administered the Harvard Group Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibility, Form A and accordingly assigned to 1 of 3 susceptibility groups: low, medium or high. All Ss were exposed to a hypnotically suggested asthma experience; subjective and physiological measures of respiratory efficiency were administered before, during and after the asthma experience. Ss responded significantly differently in these 3 conditions, but the physiological measures did not reveal typical asthma physiological patterns. High and medium susceptible Ss were convinced that they experienced asthma, but the low susceptible Ss were unimpressed. Ss ability to respond differentially (according to the asthma suggestions) was enhanced by greater susceptibility to hypnosis yet not enhanced by their history of previous asthma.

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