Trends in Carbohydrate Depletion, Respiratory Carbon Loss, and Assimilate Export from Soybean Leaves at Night

To evaluate assimilate export from soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merrill) leaves at night, rates of respiratory CO2 loss, specific leaf weight loss, starch mobilization, and changes in sucrose concentration were measured during a 10-hour dark period in leaves of pod-bearing ''Amsoy 71'' and ''Wells II'' plants in a controlled environment. Lateral leaflets were removed at various times between 2200 hours (beginning dark period) and 0800 hours (ending dark period) for dry weight determination and carbohydrate analyses. Respiratory CO2 loss was measured throughout the 10-hour dark period. Rate of export was estimated from the rate of loss in specific leaf weight and rate of CO2 efflux. Rate of assimilate export was not constant. Rate of export was relatively low during the beginning of the dark period, peaked during the middle of the dark period, and then decreased to near zero by the end of darkness. Rate of assimilate export was associated with rate of starch mobilization and amount of starch reserves available for export. Leaves of Amsoy 71 had a higher maximum export rate in conjunction with a greater total change in starch concentration than did leaves of Wells II. Sucrose concentration rapidly declined during the first hour of darkness and then remained constant throughout the rest of the night in leaves of both cultivars. Rate of assimilate export was not associated with leaf sucrose concentration.