Ultrasonography and Amoebic Liver Abscesses

Patients (24) were admitted to Kasr-El-Aini Hospital with suspected diagnoses of amoebic liver abscesses. The patients underwent clinical examinations, stool specimen analyses for cysts and trophozoites of Entamoeba histolytica, radiologic examinations and routine liver function tests. In 1 patient, a liver scintiscan was obtained. Ultrasonographic examination was performed on all patients using the gray scale imaging technique. In 20 patients, the diagnoses of amoebic liver abscesses were demonstrated by ultrasonographic examination. In 19 patients, amoebic liver abscesses were verified by aspiration biopsies (95%) and 1 patient had a false-positive result. This false-positive result was due to a degenerated hepatoma, demonstrated by aspiration biopsy. Of the 19 patients, 12 patients (63.12%) had right lobe ascesses and 7 (36.89%) had left lobe abscesses. The site, size and nature of the pus contained in the abscess could be determined by ultrasonographic examination and helped in the management and technique of the aspiration biopsy. Follow-up data could be more detailed using ultrasonographic examinations. Ultrasonographic examination is a noninvasive, safe, accurate and rapid method of diagnosis and is highly recommended as a routine procedure in all cases of suspected amoebic liver abscesses in the pre- and post-treatment stages of the disease. It is also recommended as an indicator of complete cure at follow-up examination.