The structure and properties of the high angular momentum states in Tc95 up to 5605 keV of excitation have been investigated via measurements of excitation functions of singles γ rays and of γγ coincidences following the Nb93(α, 2n)Tc*95(γ) reaction with α particle energies between 17-30 MeV. From these experiments and from high-resolution singles energy, angular-distribution, and Doppler-shift attenuation measurements, the position and the decay properties of many high angular momentum states in Tc95 have been determined. Levels at 626.82 (521+), 882.16 (1322+), 927.78 (321+), 957.07 (1121+), 1084.95 (522+, 72+), 1178.60 (722+), 1214.53 (921), 1307.19 (1122+), 1514.8 (1721+), 1549.4 (1521+), and 1702.1 (1321) with the Jπ values in parentheses are confirmed. New levels at 2119.4 (1522+), 2183.2 (1921+), 2231.1 (1722+), 2546.4 (2121+), 2846.7 (