Studies with the series of sulphonic acid diesters CH3SO2O. (CH2)n. OSO2CH3 (n= 2–10) were originally described by Haddow and Timmis (1953). The n= 4 compound, Myleran, has subsequently become established in the treatment of chronic myeloid leukaemia (Galton, 1956; Haut, Abbott, Wintrobe and Cartwright, 1961). Further studies by Elson (1958) showed Myleran to be the most active member of the series in causing a fall in peripheral blood neutrophils and also the most selective in producing a greater depression of neutrophils than lymphocytes.The simplest member of the series, methylene dimethanesulphonate (n= 1) has only recently been examined (Fox and Jackson, 1965). The most likely reason for this is that the results of Haddow and Timmis (1953) showed the n= 2 compound to lack myelosuppressive function, thus suggesting inactivity of the n= 1 diester.The present work was undertaken in order to observe any selective action of methylene dimethanesulphonate on marrow cells and the relation between its effect on peripheral blood neutrophils and granulopoiesis.