A stability and control augmentation system (SCAS) was designed based on a set of ten performance criteria. Linear optimal control theory was applied to determine appropriate feedback gains for the stability augmentation system (SAS). The heliropter was represented by six‐degree‐of‐freedom rigid body equations of motion and constant factors were used as weightings for state and control variables. The ratio of these factors was employed as a psrameter for SAS analysis and values of the feedback gains were selected on this basis to satisfy three of the performance criteria for full and partial state feedback systems. A least squares design method was then applied to determine control augmentation system (CAS) cross feed gains to satisfy the remaining seven perfermance criteria. Thc SCAS gains were then evaluated by nine degree‐of‐freedom equations which include flapping motion and conclusions drawn concerning the necessity of including the pitch/regressing and roll/regressing modes in SCAS analyses.

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