Detailed clay mineralogical and chemical analyses of well cuttings of Tertiary sediments from two wells, Uruan-1 and Uda-1, on the eastern flank of the Niger delta, have been made in an attempt to investigate clay mineral burial diagenesis. The clay mineralogy indicates a transformation of smectite to an interstratified illite-smectite (I/S) phase. The relationship between ordered and random interlayering, however, is nonsystematic. The chemistry of the µm size fraction shows some tendency towards a net gain in K2O and Al2O3and a net loss in SiO2with depth, but the relationship does not correlate well with the thermal gradient. The distribution of kaolinite and chlorite in both wells appears to be unrelated in any regular way to smectite transformation and these two minerals are considered to be either the products of other diagenetic reactions affecting various stratigraphic levels, or the result of primary sediment deposition. In well Uda-1, kaolinite decreases in relative abundance with depth. This trend has been interpreted elsewhere as indicative of a transition from nonmarine to marine facies. The results of this study indicate that lack of ion mobility, rather than availability, is a significant factor in retarding the formation of ordered I/S with depth, and that lithology, overpressuring, carbonate cement, and original smectite layer charge may be controlling factors in the smectite → illite transformation.