Management of STDs and Cost of Treatment in Primary Health Care Centres in Pikine, Senegal

We studied the current management of STD-related syndromes by urban health facilities in Pikine (Senegal) in 252 consecutive patients presenting with STD-related complaints, to assess the cost and effectiveness of services and to estimate the potential benefit by introducing management protocols. Most common presenting complaints for women were vaginal discharge and low abdominal pain, reported for 122 (82.9%) and 22 (15.0%) of 147 female patients. Urethral discharge and genital ulceration were reported for 80 (76.2%) and for 17 (16.2%) of 105 male patients. The average cost was 4.01 ECU (1 European Currency Unit = 1.2 US$=334 Franc CFA) for male patients (ranging from 0.57 to 25.70 ECU) and 12.75 ECU for female patients (ranging from 0.57 to 37.60 ECU). Only 20 of 80 patients with urethral discharge (25%) received effective treatment. Effectiveness was not related to cost of therapy or qualification of staff. Utilization of management protocols improves the quality and accessibility of care for STD, by potentially doubling effectiveness and reducing the costs for patients to 12% of the current level.