Congenital Atresia of the Colon

Congenital atresia of the gastrointestinal tract occurs once in about 1,500 births. Congenital atresia of the colon is rarer still and is estimated at 10% to 15% of this group.1Twelve successfully surgically treated cases of colonic atresia have been reported as a collected review.2 There are two forms of atresia. One presents as an internal diaphragm completely blocking the lumen, while the other form ends as a blind sac. There may be complete detachment of the blind proximal distal colon, or a vestigial fibrous remnant may be present. These congenital abnormalities probably occur in the second or third month of fetal life. Colonic atresia is best explained by an imperfection in the embryological development from the solid stage by the processes of vacuolization and coalescence of cystic spaces in the formation of the intestinal lumen.3 Report of Cases Case 1. —A one-day-old white girl was admitted