Prognosis of clinical stage I melanoma patients with positive elective regional node dissection.

We tested 12 clinical and histologic variables to see which ones best predicted death from melanoma in 66 patients with positive elective regional node dissections (clinical stage I, pathologic stage II [CSI, PSII]). Despite the presence of lymph node metastases, not all patients had poor prognoses. Patients with tumors less than or equal to 3.5 mm and a percentage of positive nodes less than or equal to 20% had a 7-year survival rate of 66%. Within this low-risk group the subset with primary lesions on the trunk or extremities (except hands and feet) had a 7-year survival rate of 76%. This compares with poor 7-year survivals of 29% and 30% observed in other defined high-risk groups. Our results confirm and extend earlier observations concerning the prognoses of CSI, PSII melanoma patients and are relevant to any ongoing and future studies concerning elective regional node dissection (ERND) or adjuvant therapy trials in melanoma.