Oral amphipathic peptides as therapeutic agents

Cholesterol can promote inflammation by its ability to stimulate the production of reactive oxygen species that result in the formation of pro-inflammatory oxidised phospholipids. High-density lipoproteins (HDLs) are part of the innate immune response and can be either pro- or anti-inflammatory independently of plasma HDL–cholesterol levels. During systemic inflammation as occurs with atherosclerosis, Apolipoprotein A-I can be altered, reducing its ability to promote reverse cholesterol transport and HDL can become pro-inflammatory. Amphipathic peptides with either a class A amphipathic helix (D-4F) or a class G* amphipathic helix (D-[113-122]apoJ), or even those that are too small to form a helix (KRES and FREL) have some similar characteristics. Their interaction with lipids leads to a reduction in lipoprotein–lipid hydroperoxides that releases HDL-associated antioxidant enzymes, such as paraoxonase, therefore providing antiatherosclerosis and anti-inflammatory activity. In addition, the peptide D-4F stimulates the formation and cycling of pre-β HDL. These amphipathic peptides appear to have therapeutic potential as oral agents.