Preliminary Report on Antitumorigenic Activity of CIS-Dichlorodiamine Platinum in Metastatic Brain Tumors

In spite of pharmacokinetic studies, which have shown that only cis-DDP traces are found in brain tissue, cytotoxic activity of this drug in primary brain tumors has recently been reported. The purpose of our study was to examine whether cis-DDP also has antitumor properties in metastatic brain tumors. Twelve consecutive untreated patients with brain metastases recorded by CAT scans or radionuclide scans plus neurologic examinations underwent the treatment. Histology of primaries revealed 4 bronchial, 3 breast, 1 gastric, 1 colorectal carcinoma, 2 melanomas, and 1 soft tissue sarcoma. Cis-DDP was administered at the doses of 30 mg/m2 body surface daily for 4 days. All the patients were evaluated. Objective response (3 complete and 2 partial remissions) was observed in 5 of 12 patients (response rate 42%). Three stable disease cases were also noted; however, in the remaining 4 patients the disease in the brain progressed. Complete response (5 months) was observed in a breast cancer patient, in a melanoma (4+ months), and in a microcellular bronchial cancer (2+ months). Two partial responses (lung, breast) lasted 2+ and 2+ months. Toxicity was moderate but tolerable for the patients. The preliminary results of this study show that cis-DDP posesses antitumorigenic properties also in patients with metastatic brain tumors, which has not been proved till now.