Investigation of Wound Healing after Paranasal Sinus Surgery with Time Lapse Video—A Pilot Study

We describe a new method of documentation of the dynamics of the nature of wound healing after endonasal paranasal sinus surgery. This was not possible until now and is achieved by the computer-assisted interpolation known as morphing. We evaluated six patients with chronic polypoid sinusitis of similar extent who underwent 12 complete endonasal micro-endoscopic pansinus operations. It is difficult to describe the overlapping and meshing phases sufficiently in words. They are much more easily understood by looking at the whole process in its natural dynamic on a video screen. Wound healing after complete endonasal pansinus operation lasts over 6 months. Scar remodelling has not yet finished at this time. The following measures are recommended for decreasing postoperative granulations, edema, and swelling: minimizing the surgical trauma, long-term packing with an occlusive, nonadherent material (rubber finger packing), and topical steroids (Budesonide).