An application of artificial intelligence to object-oriented performance design for real-time systems

The paper describes an application of artificial intelligence technology to the implementation of a rapid prototyping method in object-oriented performance design (OOPD) for real-time systems. OOPD consists of two prototyping phases for real-time systems. Each of these phases consists of three steps: prototype construction, prototype execution, and prototype evaluation. We present artificial intelligence based methods and tools to be applied to the individual steps. In the prototype construction step, a rapid construction mechanism using reusable software components is implemented based on planning. In the prototype execution step, a hybrid inference mechanism is used to execute the constructed prototype described in declarative knowledge representation. MENDEL, which is a Prolog based concurrent object-oriented language, can be used as a prototype construction tool and a prototype execution tool. In the prototype evaluation step, an expert system which is based on qualitative reasoning is implemented to detect and diagnose bottlenecks and generate an improvement plan for them.

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