Proteinase inhibitors I and II in fruit of wild tomato species: Transient components of a mechanism for defense and seed dispersal

The juice of unripe fruit from a wild species of tomato, Lycopersicon peruvianum (L.) Mill., LA 107, contains over 50% of its soluble proteins as the sum of two proteinase inhibitors. These are the highest levels of proteinase inhibitors and highest percentage of soluble proteins as proteinase inhibitors of any plant or animal tissue found to date. Fruit of the modern tomato, L. esculentum Mill., contains only negligible quantities of the two inhibitors. The two proteinase inhibitors in the fruit of L. peruvianum are members of the Inhibitor I and II families previously found in potato tubers and in leaves of wounded potato and tomato plants. The levels of the two inhibitors in the unripe fruit decrease significantly during ripening. Unripe fruit from other wild Lycopersicon species such as L. parviflorum Rick, Kesicki, Fobes et Holle, L. hirsutum Humb. et Bonpe., L. pimpinellifolium Mill., and other lines of L. peruvianum contain moderate levels of the inhibitors that also decrease during ripening. Another wild tomato species, L. pennellii Corr., is similar to L. esculentum in not containing the two proteinase inhibitors in either unripe or ripe fruit. The transient levels of the inhibitors in fruit of wild species indicate that they are present in unripe fruit as defensive chemicals against insects, birds or small mammals and their disappearance during ripening may render them edible to facilitate seed dispersal. High levels of mRNAs coding for Inhibitors I and II in unripe fruit of L. peruvianum, LA 107, indicate that strong promoters may regulate the developmentally expressed proteinase-inhibitor genes in tomato fruit that may have a substantial potential for use in genetic-engineering experiments to enhance the production of large quantities of proteinase inhibitors or other proteins in field tomatoes.