Mortality among Psychiatric Patients

A 5-year follow-up study was carried out of all referrals to the psychiatric services in a Regional Board area. The death registers of the Registrar General for Scotland were searched for all patients who were not known to be alive at the end of the study. Of the 2103 patients included in the original study, 343 were found to have died. This represents 15.9 per cent of males and 16.7 per cent of females referred. Most of the deaths (41%) occurred in the first year of follow-up, 20 per cent in the first 3 months. The overall death rate was approximately twice the expectation based on death rates in the general population of the area. The excess was greatest in those aged under 55 years. All areas of residence, occupations and social classes had increased mortality. Those patients diagnosed as organic psychosis had highest mortality (70%) but all diagnoses had an excessive number of deaths when standardised for age. Of the initial referrals, 1.4 per cent committed suicide during the follow-up period. Apart from neoplasms where deaths were close to expectation, all other broad categories of causes of death were equally involved in the increase. This survey of a total psychiatric referral group (in-patients, out-patients and domiciliary visits and private patients) supports previously reported studies, mainly of in-patients, in their finding of an association between high mortality rates and psychiatric illness. It is possible that this association may result from selective referral to the psychiatric services of those psychiatrically ill patients who exhibit physical symptomatology.