Childhood Lead Poisoning

Lead-contaminated house dust is one factor in childhood lead poisoning; however, most lead-reduction programs do not emphasize the control of house dust. We studied whether lead-reduction plus dust-control measures would lower blood lead levels in children with Class II or III poisoning (blood lead levels, 30 to 49 μg per deciliter) more effectively than lead reduction alone. An experimental group of 14 children and a control group of 35 children whose homes had already been treated were studied. In experimental homes, sites with elevated lead levels (>100 μg per 930 cm2) were wet-mopped twice monthly and families were encouraged to clean and to wash the child's hands frequently. After one year blood lead levels fell an average of 6.9 μg per deciliter in the experimental group, as compared with 0.7 μg per deciliter in controls (P50 μg per deciliter. These results show that a focused dust-control program can reduce blood lead levels more than standard lead removal in the home. (N Engl J Med 1983; 309:1089–93.)