In facilitated transport systems the carrier reorientation step is shown to be largely independent of the forces of interaction between the substrate and the carrier site, whereas in coupled systems (obligatory exchange or cotransport) reorientation proceeds at the expense of the binding force developed in the transition state. In consequence, the expression of substrate specificity is expected to differ in the two systems. In the facilitated transport of analogs no larger than the normal substrate, the affinity but not the maximum rate of transport can vary widely; with larger analogs, both the affinity and rale can vary if steric constraints are more severe in the translocation step than in binding. In coupled transport, by contrast, the translocation step can be highly sensitive to the structure of the substrate, and binding much less sensitive. The theory agrees with published observations on facilitated systems for choline and glucose in erythrocytes, as well as on Na+-coupled systems for the same substrates in other cells. The following mechanism, which could account for the behavior, is proposed. In facilitated systems, the transport site fits the substrate closely and retains its shape as the carrier undergoes reorientation. In coupled systems, the site is initially looser, but during carrier reorientation it contracts around the substrate. In both systems, the carrier encloses the substrate during the translocation step, though for a different reason: in coupled but not in facilitated systems the binding force enormously increases in the enclosed state, through a chelation effect. In both systems, steric interference with enclosure retards the translocation of bulky substrate analogs.