The relation between the weight of the endocrine glands and measures of sexual, emotional and exploratory behavior in the male albino rat.

The tests of emotional behavior were: (1) time to emerge from the living cage, (2) defecation in a field, (3) defecation in a water-wading enclosure, and (4) time of passage through a darkened tunnel. The measures of sex behavior were: (1) number of copulations, and (2) number of vaginal plugs. The test of exploratory behavior was the activity exhibited in an open field. All measures were sufficiently reliable for group comparisons. Partial correlation techniques were used in analyzing the relationships existing between different variables. The following conclusions are supported by the data: (1) body wt., pituitary wt. and the wt. of the seminal vesicles yield small negative correlations with tests of emotion, (2) these same wts. correlate low but positively with the tests of sexual behavior, (3) body wt. is an important factor in the correlations but the same trends are noted after it is partialled out, (4) the wt. of the thyroid tends to correlate negatively with the sexual measures and positively with the emotional tests, (5) the wt. of the adrenal glands shows no consistent relation with the behavior measures, (6) the wt. of the testes correlates positively with the tests of sex behavior. Most of the partial correlations are small and not reliable in the common statistical sense but the consistency of the trends in some of the relationships shows promise of revealing important relationships.