A Higher-Order Calculation of $np$ Scattering in Cut-Off Effective Field Theory

We report a next-to-leading-order (NLO) chiral perturbation theory calculation of the neutron-proton scattering cross section in the ${}^1S_0$ channel using a cut-off regularization. The inclusion of two-pion exchanges in the irreducible diagrams -- or potential -- figuring at NLO is found to be important in enlarging the domain of validity of the effective field theory. We are able to reproduce the {\it empirical} scattering phase shift up to p=300 MeV -- which is comparable to the cutoff scale involved -- with an agreement which is superior to results of other effective field theory approaches. We also discuss the role of the cutoff as a renormalization prescription and the importance of the explicit pion degree of freedom in scattering process.

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