Preliminary results are reported of geochemical and mineralogical studies on the Nod Glas sediments of Caradoc age (clingani-linearis biozones) in Wales. Results are based on sampling at three localities in North Wales, together with a coeval section in South Wales. Data have been obtained for 21 elements by ICPAES, and for organic C, S and ignition loss. XRD analysis has provided semi-quantitative data on abundances of muscovite 2M1, quartz, albite and chlorite. Mean values of K2O, organic C, S, Cu, Zr and Ba are higher in the Nod Glas than in adjacent strata, while Fe203, MnO, MgO, CaO and P205 are lower. Analogy with the chemical composition of modern sediments reinforces the interpretation of the Nod Glas as being deposited under dysaerobic to anaerobic bottom conditions. There is considerable variation in composition between different Nod Glas sections. Analysis of mineral/chemical relationships shows some consistencies: for example, chlorite shows significant positive correlations with the heavier transition elements Mn to Zn, as well as with Li and Mg, presumably due to enrichment by adsorption of these elements onto subsequently recrystallized smectites. Other relationships are less consistent: organic C is correlated with muscovite (where it is probably held in interlayer sites as a relic from a smectite precursor) and sometimes also with albite. Inconsistencies between the sections in mineral/element interrelations may be due to diagenetic/metamorphic changes.

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