Fine Structure of the Oocyst Walls of Isospora serini and Isospora canaria and Excystation of Isospora serini From the Canary, Serinus canarius L.

Oocysts of Isospora serini and Isospora canaria, from the canary Serinus canarius, were broken, added to a cell suspension, fixed in Karnovsky's fluid, and studied in the electron microscope. The oocyst wall of each species had an electron-lucent inner layer, a more osmiophilic middle layer and an outer layer of electron-lucent (I. serini) or electron-dense material interspersed with some electron-lucent material (I. canaria). A few, relatively large lipid-like bodies were present in the outer or middle layer of the oocyst wall of I. canaria. As many as 9 membranes were present in the oocyst wall of I. canaria and 3 in that of I. serini. When exposed to a trypsin-sodium taurocholate fluid, sporozoites of I. serini excysted from 5-month-old sporocysts in vitro, but not from sporocysts stored for more than 6 months. No excystation occurred in 15-month-old I. canaria sporocysts. Similarities and differences in excystation between I. serini and other Isospora, Eimeria, and Sarcocystis species are discussed.