The free energy of an ideal Heisenberg-model ferromagnet is calculated as a power series in the temperature T, using the mathematical machinery developed in an earlier paper. The spontaneous magnetization in zero external field is given by [M(T)M(0)]=Sa0θ32a1θ52a2θ72a3S1θ4+O(θ92). Here θ is the temperature in dimensionless units, and a0, a1, a2, a3 are positive numerical coefficients which are computed for the three types of cubic crystal lattice. The first two terms are the result of the simple Bloch theory in which spin waves are treated as noninteracting Bose particles with constant effective mass. The a1 and a2 corrections come from the variation of effective mass with velocity. The a3 term is the lowest order correction arising from interaction between spin waves. This result is in violent contradiction to earlier published calculations which gave interaction effects proportional to T74 and T2.