Colostrum composition in adolescent mothers.

Colostrum of high and low (LSEL) socioeconomic level adolescent mothers was analyzed to determine the potential influence of adolescence on colostrum's chemical composition. Concentrations of total fat, energy, total protein, immunoglobulin A (IgA), immunoglobulin M (IgM), immunoglobulin G and fatty acids were compared to those of adult mothers. The colostrum of adolescent mothers showed significantly higher levels of IgA and IgM compared to that of adults. Concentrations of lauric, myristic, and palmitic acids were lower in the group of LSEL adolescents, when compared to those of adult mothers of the same socioeconomic level, probably due to lower lipogenic activity in the former. High levels of stearic and oleic acids were found in LSEL adolescents in comparison to LSEL adults, despite similar dietary habits. Our results show that breast-feeding by adolescent mothers of any socioeconomic level is as indicated as that by adult mothers.