X-ray imaging arrays for impurity transport studies on the Texas Experimental Tokamak

Three multichannel soft x‐ray imaging arrays are used for impurity transport studies on the Texas Experimental Tokamak. The entire system has a total of 92 broadband x‐ray detectors that view the plasma at the same toroidal location from three different poloidal angles: Array A is a 40‐channel vertically viewing set of silicon surface barrier diodes (SBDs); array B is a 40‐channel horizontally viewing set of SBDs; and array C is a 12‐channel set of p‐intrinsic‐n (pin) detectors viewing the plasma from 45° above the horizontal plane. Array B is absolutely calibrated; array A is relatively calibrated in situ; and array C is cross‐calibrated relative to array B. In this article we describe the primary components of the system: (1) the specific x‐ray diodes used for the arrays and their spectral sensitivities; (2) the corresponding electronics necessary for data acquisition; and (3) the vacuum system for the arrays. Furthermore, we describe a novel krypton edge absorption filter which discriminates between the resonance line radiation of He‐like and H‐like aluminum injected into TEXT plasmas.