Some Parasitic Diseases of Dolphins

Lungworm infection (Halocercus sp.) in the Atlantic bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) was found to be very common in animals captured from the wild and in those raised within an aquarium. Infection of the Amazon dolphin (Inia geoffrensis) with Hunterotrema caballeroi causes pulmonary atelectasis. An unidentified holotrich ciliate was found in the blowholes of over 50% of the animals examined and was responsible for a purulent pneumonia in 1 instance. Hepatic and pancreatic trematodiasis which caused interstitial fibrosis occurred frequently in T. truncatus; the trematode was identified as Campula palliata. Pholeter gastrophilus, a trematode, results in the proliferation of a tumorous mass of fibrous tissue in the wall of the stomach. The sclerotic tissue surrounds cavities containing parasites and ova.

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