Photoacoustic spectroscopy is a recently developed nondestructive analytical technique that provides ultraviolet, visible, and infrared absorption spectra from intensely light scattering, solid, and/or optically opaque materials not suitable for conventional spectrophotometric analysis. In wood and other lignocellulosics, the principal ultraviolet absorption bands, in the absence of photosynthetic pigments, arise from the aromatic lignin component of the cell walls. Photoacoustic spectra of extracted lignin fragments (milled wood lignin) and synthetic lignin-like polymers contain a single major absorption band at 280 nanometers with an absorption tail extending beyond 400 nanometers. Photoacoustic spectra of pine, maple, and oak lignin in situ contain a broad primary absorption band at 300 nanometers and a longer wavelength shoulder around 370 nanometers. Wheat lignin in situ, on the other hand, exhibits two principle absorption peaks, at 280 nanometers and 320 nanometers. The presence of absorption bands at wavelengths greater than 300 nanometers in intact lignin could result from (a) interacting, nonconjugated chromophores, or (b) the presence of more highly conjugated structural components formed as the result of oxidation of the polymer. Evidence for the latter comes from the observation that, on the outer surface of senescent, field-dried wheat culms (stems), new absorption bands in the 350 to 400 nanometer region predominate. These new bands are less apparent on the outer surface of presenescent wheat culms and are virtually absent on the inner surface of either senescent or presenescent culms, suggesting that the appearance of longer wavelength absorption bands in senescent wheat is the result of accumulated photochemical modifications of the ligin polymer. These studies also demonstrate photoacoustic spectroscopy to be an important new tool for the investigation of insoluble plant components.