The effect of incomplete hills on the yielding ability of the surrounding hills was determined, and a number of different methods of compensating for missing hills were evaluated. One and two incomplete hills with 0, 1 and 2 plants respectively were placed directly adjacent and diagonally adjacent to normal 3-plant hills. Treatments used to fill in missing hills included two different dates of transplanting and of "spiking in" corn and sunflowers.The 1-plant and 2-plant hills appeared to provide normal competition to adjacent hills. Hills directly adjacent to missing hills yielded significantly more than normal 3-plant hills while hills diagonally adjacent to missing hills were not significantly different. Results indicated that the effect of the missing hills on the surrounding hills may be removed by either "spiking in" corn prior to the 4-leaf stage or sunflowers at the 5–6 leaf stage, or by filling in with corn transplants. The treatment hills themselves gave a sub-normal yield in all instances.

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