A study of the sequential morphological changes in the peripheral nerve induced by experimental inhalation exposure of methyl n-butyl ketone (MBK) revealed that the earliest change was an increase in the number of neurofilaments in the large myelinated nerve fibers. This change occurred prior to axonal swelling or myelin thinning. As the duration of exposure lengthened the number of neurofilaments gradually increased and ultimately produced axonal swelling with secondary thinning of the myelin sheath. This appears to be the pathogenesis of the “giant axonal” neuropathy. Another change observed early in this neuropathy was the presence of inpouchings of the myelin sheath, which also increased in number in parallel to the duration of exposure. A careful study of the sequential changes in the entire motor unit did not show a predilection for early morphological changes at the axon terminal. Abnormalities at the neuromuscular junction occurred only after a full spectrum of changes were seen in the main nerve trunk, nerve roots and intramuscular nerves. An important observation was the marked potentiation of peripheral neuro-toxicity observed when animals were exposed to MBK in combination with methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) at a ratio of 1:5, MBK:MEK. The latter solvent showed no neurotoxic effect alone. This might help explain a recent outbreak of a polyneuropathy affecting many workers. One further observation was that the sural nerve of a patient with prolonged exposure to MBK showed changes similar to those induced experimentally.