Measurement of(PT)Vand Related Properties in Solidified Gases. I. SolidHe4

A very sensitive strain gauge that is able to detect pressure changes of 2×105 bar inside a small container filled with solidified helium is described. Measurements of the variation of pressure with temperature along several isochores, both in the hcp and in the bcc phase of He4, are reported. From these data, the equation of state at T=0 °K is obtained, leading to the compressibility coefficient kT and the change in internal energy as a function of volume. The temperature variation of kT is then obtained at several molar volumes and compared with results from other experiments. The quantity (PT)V is tabulated and its temperature variation is discussed. Combination of (PT)V data with those of others for the specific heat gives values of the Grüneisen coefficient, which is shown to be volume- and temperature-dependent.