Calculated Elastic Scattering Cross Sections for the H+–He System

The ab initio computations by Michels and Harris, and Peyerimhoff, of the ground (1Σ+) state of HeH+ provide a reliable interaction potential V(r) to serve as a basis for prediction of proton—helium elastic scattering. This report summarizes calculations of total elastic cross sections Q(E) for low collision energies (E in the range 0.3–200 eV) where Q is sensitive primarily to the attractive part of V(r). Superimposed upon the monotonic E−⅓ dependence (arising from the long‐range r−4 ``tail'' of the potential) are a number of broad extrema in Q(E), characteristic of a potential well with the capacity for several (≥7) bound (vibrational) states.